Section: People in Housing

Chartered Institute of Housing Vice Presidential Election Announced

Posted 18.02.15

Two high-profile housing professionals have been chosen to contest the Chartered Institute of Housing's (CIH) Vice Presidential election.

The two candidates are Julie Fadden, chief executive of The SLH Group in Liverpool, and Stephen Cook, chief executive of Valleys to Coast Housing in Bridgend, Wales.

CIH members will soon be invited to vote for their preferred candidate, with voting due to get under way on 11 March and close on 1 April. The winner will succeed current Vice President Geraldine Howley, who is due to become CIH President in May, and will be expected to take up the role of President in 2016.

Julie Fadden said:

"I am honoured to be standing for election for CIH Vice President after being an active member both regionally and nationally for 28 years. I am ready for the challenge this role presents.

"Two things motivate me. Firstly, I believe we were put on this Earth to leave it better than when we found it - that means everything you do, every life you touch and every person you meet is better for the experience, and whatever I do in life, I try to do my best to do this.

"The second is fighting injustice, and the people we serve need housing professionals to fight their corner right now."

Stephen Cook said:

"I have been an active member of the Chartered Institute of Housing for over 30 years and am still as passionate about housing as the day I started my first job as an area housing officer in Eastbourne in 1984.

"As Vice President I would champion the positive difference that social housing makes to people and help support the case for the need to provide more affordable homes across the UK.

"I would also ensure that those working in housing are recognised and given every opportunity to learn and develop with CIH. Together we can really change lives."

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