Section: Housing and Care

Bidding opens for care and support specialised housing funding

Posted 19.02.15

Bidding opened today on a second phase of a specialised housing fund, making available up to £120 million to fund affordable housing outside London. The fund is intended to help older people and those with disabilities or mental health problems to live more independently.

The Department of Health's Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund (CASSH) - delivered by the Homes and Communities Agency - is designed to accelerate the development of the specialised housing market and increase the supply of new affordable and associated private market homes.

As the Government's housing delivery partner, the HCA will use its knowledge of local markets to align CASSH funding with local priorities to ensure that allocations support local need.

Phase 2 of the fund will specifically support affordable housing and aims to encourage associated private sector housing through the provision of mixed tenure developments. Priority will be given to housing for adults with mental health problems.

Minister of State for Care and Support, Norman Lamb, said:

"Well-designed and high-quality specialised housing is a vital part of improving the health and wellbeing of many people.

"Phase 2 of this fund will increase the range of housing options available, particularly for those living with mental health conditions and learning difficulties, allowing more people to live independently."

The Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund bidding prospectus is available to download from GOV.UK.

Bids are invited from all organisations that are, or intend to become, investment partners of the HCA; including housing associations, private developers, local authorities and community groups.

Bidding closes at noon on 29 May 2015.


First Housing Association in Wales Awarded Prestigious 'Three Stars' for CHS Service Excellence Standards

Posted 13.02.15

Linc Cymru, a specialist provider of affordable housing and social care, is the first housing association in Wales to be awarded with a three star accreditation - the highest award possible from the Centre for Housing and Support (CHS) - for its services in extracare, sheltered housing and housing related support for older people.

The CHS Service Excellence Standards is a prestigious award specifically designed to test and score the quality of services delivered to vulnerable people. Accreditation demonstrates the Association's commitment to delivering significant and positive outcomes to improve the quality of life of its tenants and has been judged to be an outstanding service.

An independent Assessor carried out a thorough review of the services, speaking to staff, tenants and key stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the service and how this is viewed by the people that receive it.

Some areas explored as part of the assessment included:

Christine Walker, Director at the CHS said:

"We are delighted to award Linc Cymru with 3 Stars; this achievement provides their service with real kudos and is tangible evidence of their commitment to serving their tenants in the best way possible, listening and responding to their views and needs, and importantly achieving positive outcomes."

Feature Articles Archive

Media Watch

Posted 02.02.15

Occupational therapists working in social housing save money.

Getting a rental property adapted to meet the needs of an elderly or disabled resident can be a time-consuming process. But in recent years increasing numbers of social landlords have begun employing their own occupational therapists to help them make homes suitable more swiftly - and at lower more

theGuardian Social Care Network - 28th January 2015.

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