Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

World Habitat Awards 2014-15 Finalists Announced

Posted 04.12.14

The Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF) announced the ten finalists for the 2014-15 World Habitat Awards, chosen from over 200 projects, from over 80 countries around the globe:

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Six Health and Wellbeing Boards sign up to Homeless Health Charter

Posted 01.12.14

After only a month, six Health and Wellbeing Boards have signed up to the St Mungo's Broadway Homeless Health Charter and pledged their commitment to measure and understand the health needs of homeless people.

The homelessness charity St Mungo's Broadway asked its supporters to write to one of 152 local Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) in England, asking them to take urgent action to tackle the ill health of homeless people in their area as part of its Homeless Health Matters campaign.

Six Boards have now signed up so since the campaign launched a month ago today:

St Mungo's Broadway, together with another organisation - Homeless Link, has found that two thirds (64%) of HWB had no reference to homeless people within their local plans. Of those who did, only a quarter included detailed information.

Research has also shown that:

Use this link for mote information about St Mungo's Broadway Homeless Health Charter.

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Reporting on December 2014

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