Section: Legislation

Private Members Bill for Exemptions to Bedroom Tax Passes Second Reading

Posted 08.09.14

Liberal Democrat and Labour MPs joined forces to vote the Affordable Homes Bill through its second reading in the House of Commons by 306 to 231.

The regulations governing the 'bedroom tax' have seen working age social housing tenants suffer a reduction of between 14% and 25% in their Housing Benefit (HB) entitlement if their housing is deemed too large for their needs.

Whilst there are already some special provisions, Liberal Democrat MP Andrew George's private member's bill seeks to introduce further exemptions to the 'bedroom tax':

The Liberal Democrats placed a three-line whip on its MPs to support the bill, which will now be considered in detail by a public bill committee of MPs.

Very few private members' bills make it through Parliament, but there is a chance that this one will. Further, Labour will now seek to amend the bill to scrap the bedroom tax entirely.


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Reporting on September 2014

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