Section: Information Technology

New Map Tool to Help Associations Engage Locally

Posted 10.05.14

The National Housing Federation (NHF) has launched a new map tool on its website to support its members' engagement with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), Core Cities and City Deals.

Devolution is very much the direction of Government policy, and part of that devolving of decision-making has seen the emergence of LEPs, who have a key role to play in developing local economic growth.

LEPs understand housing are key to economic growth. Ministers have charged LEPs with putting housing growth at the heart of their plans.

Housing associations are ideally placed to support and influence the work of LEPs, who will need to deliver from next April.

The NHF map tool facilitates access to resources and information on every LEP area. This includes:

The map tool can be accessed on the NHF website via this link.

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Reporting on May 2014

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