Section: Energy Efficiency

NEA Comments on Latest Information on the 'Green Deal Home Improvement Fund'

Posted 08.05.14

The Government's release of further information on the 'Green Deal Home Improvement Fund', has prompted comment from the national fuel poverty charity, National Energy Action (NEA), as follows:

"The Chancellor's 2013 Pre-Budget Statement committed to a new energy efficiency grant to specifically support private landlords to increase the energy efficiency of their properties. It was stated that this new funding would improve around 15,000 of the least energy efficient rental properties each year, for 3 years.

"Whilst the introduction of any recurrent funding for domestic energy efficiency in England is broadly welcome, the details released today (7th May) have dashed hopes that the new incentive will specifically prioritise the needs of low income tenants and provide clarity that landlords will continue to have overall responsibility for ensuring their properties are fit for habitation.

"The need for further intervention in private sector housing is acute as it continues to represents the least energy efficient housing stock and contains a higher proportion of fuel poor households.

"There also continues to be an unexplained delay to the publication of the Government's energy efficiency regulations in the Private Rented Sector and their proposals to tackle fuel poverty in England overall. The Government must set out its objectives and specify the dates for achieving these.

"Ambitious minimum energy efficiency standards could end the scandal of the poorest households living in the most expensive to heat homes, and give near term and lasting confidence to the energy efficiency industry (and local authorities).

"With 65% of fuel poor households in England still living in the least energy efficient properties (homes rated E, F or G), time is ticking for the Government to clarify these issues and provide a clear objective for the pace and required scale of investment needed to address the worst of our existing housing stock."


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Reporting on May 2014

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