Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

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Updated 12.05.14

Four Housing Partners with Home Group to Help Homeless Youngsters

Four Housing, has announced a partnership agreement with Home Group to manage services at a centre for homeless youngsters.

Teesdale House, developed in partnership with Durham County Council, was set up in Bishop Auckland in 2002 as a refuge for homeless youngsters and provides accommodation for six people aged 16-25-years at any one time.

Four Housing and Home Group will work with in partnership to ensure much needed services continue to support vulnerable young people in Wear Valley. The partnership will see Stonham - Home Group's care and support division - provide the onsite day-to-day housing-related support to tenants at Teesdale House while Four Housing will remain the overall landlord, providing a repair and maintenance service to the building.

Home Group will receive funding support direct from Durham County Council to run Teesdale House alongside Four Housing.

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Homelessness professionals to trade places to learn about tackling homelessness across the Atlantic

Posted 04.05.14

Both the United States and United Kingdom are dealing with significant levels of homelessness. However, while it is clear that we face many of the same problems, do we choose to tackle them in the same ways?

This summer, perhaps we'll begin to answer that, when homelessness professionals from both countries trade places to see what they can learn from each other.

The Transatlantic Practice Exchange - delivered in partnership with National Alliance to End Homelessness and funded by the Oak Foundation - will give charity staff an opportunity to learn directly from frontline services in this host countries.

Ten people are taking part, following a competitive application and interview process.

Each person has been matched with a host organisation and will focus on a specific area of practice that can inform their work. After the placement they'll look for ways to use this learning in their own organisation, as well as sharing their ideas and experience more widely.

Those participating from the UK are:

The first of the five participant from the US arrive in the UK this week and they will be sharing their experiences as they go via social media. Homeless Link has set up the #homelesslearning #tagboard - click here - so that their progress can be followed.


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Reporting on May 2014

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