Section: Audit & Regulation

New Public Service Ombudsman for Wales Appointed

Posted 03.04.14

The Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru, Nick Bennett, has been appointed the public service Ombudsman for Wales by ministers.

Nick Bennett said he wanted to ensure the office provided excellent advice for service users in Wales and help drive improvement in public services. He will take over from Peter Tyndall, who also had a housing background with Tai Cymru and held the office since April 2008.

Director of CIH Cymru Keith Edwards said:

"Nick has had an enormous impact on the housing sector in Wales and will be a tough act to follow.

"He has been a key figure in putting housing at the centre of Welsh Government policy in very challenging times and we wish him well in his new role."

The Ombudsman has legal powers to investigate complaints about public services in Wales - such as councils, health boards and housing associations.

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Reporting on April 2014

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