Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

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Posted 04.04.14

Sheltered Housing - Capita Conferences
26th March 2014, Central London

Alex Esson

Industry experts from across the housing sector came together at Capita's Sheltered Housing Conference, providing attendees with crucial advice and expertise needed to meet the new Care Bill standards whilst still maintaining the well-being of residents.

Delegates learnt the vital knowledge on how to deal with some of the most important issues facing the housing industry today, including:

Keynote speaker John Galvin, Chief Executive for the Elderly Accommodation Counsel, explicitly explained The Care Bill and its implications for Sheltered Housing Providers, pointing out that the sector of housing services "is now being recognised as a crucial part of the delivery of wellbeing services to older people and those in need."

He emphasised the need to develop person-centred approaches that create financially sustainable initiatives in sheltered housing.

Kevin McGeough, National Lead & Housing for Older People for the Homes and Community Agency, gave a keynote address on the future of social housing, pointing out that "60% of household growth is among older people... investing over £1 billion in specialist housing between 2008-2012 means that the holy grail of health and social care and housing is finally coming together. We must think about the quality of this housing, not just the quantity and you can see by the recent allocations in funding how much of a focus there is to provide housing for older people."

Through in-depth consultation with industry experts, the conference addressed the key issues in Sheltered Housing, providing delegates with the knowledge and expertise to implement best practices and optimise sheltered housing services for residents

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Reporting on April 2014

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