Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

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Updated 04.04.14

First New Contract for St Mungo's Broadway

On its first day as a newly merged charity, St Mungo's Broadway has announced its first new contract - providing an outreach service to people sleeping rough in Hounslow.

Charities St Mungo's and Broadway merged on the 1st April after, between them, helping tens of thousands of homeless people to rebuild their lives over more than 55 years.

Outreach teams from St Mungo's Broadway will be working in Hounslow to identify people who are sleeping rough and to help them find accommodation or appropriate support. The service will start from 1 May 2014.

The Hounslow team will include a nurse who will work to improve people's access to healthcare and any ongoing health issues.


London's Rough Sleeping on the Rise as Homelessness Services Continue to Decline

The fifth annual 'Atlas of Services for Homeless People in London' has been launched by the London Housing Foundation (LHF), with a warning that some 36 agencies have been lost in the sector.

LHF chair Simon Dow said:

"This year's Atlas show just how much change there has been in the sector over the last five years - we have lost 36 agencies, floating support services are so concentrated that three agencies almost have a monopoly and we are seeing existing providers expanding to work across a far greater geographical area."

The Atlas follows homelessness charity Broadway's latest figures, which showed that rough sleeping in the Capital continues to rise.

The research, collected and published on a bi-monthly basis, stated that outreach teams recorded 691 people in London sleeping rough for the first time in the period November to December 2013 - 7% higher than the same period last year.

In total, during the period November to December 2013, outreach teams recorded 1,613 individuals sleeping rough in the Capital. This is a 6% increase on the total figure for November to December 2012.

Of that total:


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Reporting on April 2014

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