Section: Private Sector Housing

Cash for Councils to Stop Rogue Landlords

Posted 02.01.14

Housing Minister Kris Hopkins has announced that councils across the country will receive a £4 million cash boost to tackle rogue landlords in their area.

Twenty three councils will share the funding, so that they can take on the unscrupulous landlords that force tenants to live in squalid and dangerous properties.

The allocations will enable councils to build on their work to root out 'beds in sheds'. Since 2011, more than 500 of these illegally-rented outhouses have been discovered and action taken against the owners, with nine councils having already received a share of £2.6 million to tackle the problem.

The Housing Minister confirmed that this latest funding is part of a package of measures that will ensure millions of private sector tenants get a better deal. He also revealed that:


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Reporting on January 2014

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