Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

Housing Professionals Think Welsh Homelessness Will Rise

Posted 08.01.14

An independent survey, commissioned by CIH Cymru, has revealed that almost all respondents expect to see family homelessness in Wales increase in the next 12 months, with only 3% of the housing professionals surveyed expecting to see homelessness decrease. This is despite recent falls in homelessness levels in Wales.

The Welsh Government has just published new statistics showing that a decreasing number of households are being accepted by local authorities as homeless and that the number of households placed in temporary accommodation and in bed and breakfast accommodation has also fallen.

However, whilst the number of homeless acceptances have decreased during 2012-13, the number of applications has risen compared with the previous year.

CIH Cymru believes that the RMG:Clarity survey results demonstrate that housing professionals are very concerned that a combination of austerity measures, reforms to the benefits system and rising living costs are putting more and more families at risk of losing their homes - even in the context of Welsh Government's commitment to focus services on homelessness prevention, and the pledge to raise standards and strengthen consumer rights in the private rented sector.

The survey results underline the issues raised in this year's Welsh Housing Review, CIH Cymru's flagship publication, which concluded that the decade long trend in declining levels of homelessness could be reversed once Westminster economic policies begin to bite.

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New Year's 'Just for Fun' Quiz Q5

What was the major achievement shared in 2013 by the Hebron Old City Rehabilitation Programme and The 100 000 Homes Campaign's?

1 point.

The Hebron Old City Rehabilitation Programme (Palestine) and The 100 000 Homes Campaign's (USA) were the winners of the World Habitat Awards 2013.


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