Section: People in Housing

Project to Examine the Changing Role of Frontline Housing Officers

Posted 18.11.11

The value of the frontline housing officer and the changing face of the role is to be examined by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland and Wheatley Housing Group.

The organisations have commissioned the Centre for Comparative Housing Research (CCHR) at De Montfort University, Leicester, to reach out to those working in housing across the UK to ask for their views and examples of good practice.

Researchers will analyse the current skills and characteristics of effective frontline housing professionals and look at where further changes might take the sector in the future.

The project aims to stimulate an informed debate on the implications for social landlord leaders and staff. It builds on existing work, for example 'Learning today, leading tomorrow' - CIH's skills anthology published earlier this year.

Mark Reid, Learning and Development Manager at CIH Scotland, said:

"Increasingly housing organisations are pondering how they will need to work in future to deliver high quality services and support to tenants and communities. How will the roles of frontline staff in particular need to change? What skills and knowledge will high performing staff need in five years' time?

"We have asked CCHR to undertake UK-wide research to examine the characteristics and skills of housing officers now and to analyse how that might change for the future.

"In addition, we are interested in the culture of housing organisations and the perceived wider benefit of the housing officer role."

There is a project page that can be accessed via this link.

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Reporting on November 2013

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