Section: Private Sector Housing

Funding Made Available to Tackle Rogue Landlords

Posted 18.07.13

The Minister for Housing Mark Prisk MP has writtent to local authorities, inviting them to submit a bid for funding to help tackle rogue landlords in the private rented sector. Up to £3million is being made available for this purpose.

The Minister's letter advises:

"We are aware that in a handful of areas there are particularly acute problems with clusters of very poor quality properties, which are associated with wider problems - illegal working, antisocial behaviour, illegal immigration etc - and we therefore need to take a multi-agency approach to tackle that.

"We have already had a considerable degree of success using a multi-agency approach to tackle beds in sheds and are keen to apply that approach in other areas with similar acute and complex problems.

"We are therefore making some money available this year and next that can be used to fund local authority activity in tackling rogue landlords. That activity is likely to include, but is not limited to, further action on beds in sheds.

"I am therefore asking local housing authorities with particularly acute and complex problems related to rogue landlords to submit a bid for this funding."

The deadline for applications is Friday 20 September.

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