Section: Housing Provision

Housing Crisis Is Choking Economic Recovery

Posted 03.06.13

The National Housing Federation (NHF) has released new research showing that employers think a lack of affordable housing is affecting local economies and recruitment.

The research, carried out by ComRes on behalf of the NHF, found that nearly four in five employers think the lack of affordable housing is stalling economic growth in local communities, with 70% warning it would affect their ability to attract and keep workers.

The report also finds that:

National Housing Federation Director Gill Payne said:

"Our economic recovery is being held back because there aren't enough homes in England today, and this lack of homes has pushed up prices and rents beyond people's reach.

"As a result, businesses are finding it tough to attract workers and expand because many people can't buy a home or would struggle to pay high rents. If things don't change, employers will simply move - potentially out of the country - taking away desperately needed jobs.

"We need to build more homes that people can afford in the right places so that businesses can grow, take on local staff, inject new life into struggling communities and steer us out of this economic rut."


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Reporting on June 2013

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