Section: Welfare Benefits

Government Publishes Response to Select Committee's Report On Welfare Reform

Posted 06.06.13

Policy paper: Government response to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee's report: implementation of welfare reform by local authorities

The Communities and Local Government Select Committee conducted an inquiry into the implementation of the welfare reforms by local authorities.

Following the submission of written evidence and a number of evidence sessions, the Committee published its report on 3 April 2013.

The Committee made four key recommendations and 31 specific recommendations. This policy paper lists the Committee's recommendations from the report and the Government's response to each.

All may be of interest to social landlords, some more than others - e.g.:

"As part of the Government's commitment to introduce Universal Credit in a way that protects the finances of social landlords, DWP can make rent payments direct to the landlord if a claimant reaches a certain level of rent arrears."

To access the policy paper click here.


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Reporting on June 2013

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