Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

Pause for Thought

Response to BBC Report on Children living Rough in London and Other Cities

Posted 06.11.12

A report aired on the BBC's Inside Out found many cases of young people who, because they are stateless, are unable to access publicly funded help and have slept rough.

Responding, Rick Henderson Chief Executive of the umbrella body Homeless Link said:

"One in ten homeless services help people who are undocumented migrants and who, because of their status, find it very hard get help from the State.

"Although no one is sure about the true extent of the issue and there is little statistical evidence that this is impacting more on young people, we do know that many undocumented migrants end up sofa surfing and incidents of exploitation and ill-health are common.

"These individuals often only avoid extreme deprivation by drawing on their own resources or by seeking help from homeless charities.

"I recently met a number of people who, because they have no recourse to public funds, are forced to sleep rough under a railway arch. This just should not be happening in modern Britain and this report from the BBC should act as a wake-up call.

"Homeless migrants often only get helped out of their situations once action is taken by the Home Office or the UKBA to resolve their status. This currently takes far too long and individuals can't access help while they wait.

"There good examples of charities working to support individuals affected by this issue but Government needs to take action sooner and provide more resources to ensure that undocumented migrants do not end up on our streets."


St Mungo's in the Running for Top Training Award

Posted 07.11.12

Homelessness charity St Mungo's has been named a finalist in the National Training Awards and is now in the running to be named Rolls Royce Large Employer of the Year

The Awards, run by the National Apprenticeship Service, recognise organisations which have delivered outstanding training programmes, with the overall winners announced at The Skills Show at the NEC in Birmingham on 14 November.

St Mungo's was selected for the finals due to its successful introduction of the PTLLS+ training qualification, which involves specialists within St Mungo's assuming responsibility for training within their areas. It also enables the organisation to provide a teaching qualification for clients.


75,000 Children Will be Homeless This Christmas

Posted 09.11.12

More than 75,000 children in Britain will wake up on Christmas Day without a home. That's the equivalent to two children in every primary school in Britain, or enough children to fill 333 primary schools.

Shelter is highlighting the figures to raise awareness of the increasing numbers of homeless families in Britain this Christmas. It is particularly concerned about families forced to live in B&Bs, which have grown by 57% in the last 12 months.

This can mean parents and children living together in one room, with limited cooking or laundry facilities, in conditions that are often appalling. This year, more than 3,000 children will spend Christmas Day living in this way.

Michelle, who recently approached Shelter for help, was left with two young children and a mortgage when her relationship with her partner ended. She said:

"After three years, I was made redundant from my part-time job. I struggled to find another job that allowed me to look after the kids.

"Debts started building up. Depression hit me like a ton of bricks. My home was repossessed and the council refused to help. After intervention from Shelter, I was offered an emergency bedsit. We spent Christmas in a B&B."

Michelle was finally re-housed by her local council last year.

In December 2011, Shelter helped more than 1,000 people facing homelessness during the festive period. This Christmas, the number of people with nowhere else to turn is expected to be even higher.



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Reporting on November 2012

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