Section: Energy Efficiency

All Things Eco

Edited by Tracey Copeland

Heat Pump Roadshows for Social Housing Providers

Posted 06.09.12

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is holding a series of heat pump training roadshows across Great Britain to help those involved in installing this technology in the homes of social tenants get to grips with the new standards for heat pump installation, MCS MIS 3005 Issue 3, which came into force in April 2012.

DECC has worked closely with the heat pump industry to develop these new standards and held roadshows to train heat pump installers in Autumn last year.

DECC is now holding workshops specifically aimed at social housing providers, as this group represents a major potential market for this technology.

These free, one-day events are specifically designed for asset management, sustainability, housing and energy staff within social housing providers and for their heating.

Training will be interactive, helping attendees to get to grips with the detail of specifications, the costs and benefits of heat pumps, maintenance, resident training, contracts and commissioning.

For further details, roadshow dates and online booking, click here.


A Fair Deal
Media Watch - Inside Housing: 7th September 2012

Posted 10.09.12

Is it ethical for tenants to pay for green deal energy-efficiency improvements to landlords' homes? Two experts go head to head.

To read the full article click here.


Majority of Private Landlords Will Use Green Deal

Posted 10.09.12

According to the National Landlords Association's latest Landlord Panel, the majority of landlords are considering taking advantage of the new energy efficiency measures available in October 2012.

63% of landlords say they are aware of the Green Deal and 56% are considering taking advantage of the energy initiative.

Under the Green Deal, the cost of energy efficiency improvements, such as loft and wall insulation, will be paid through a loan attached to the property's energy bills.

Due to the energy savings achieved by the improvements, it is likely that the energy bill will never be higher than it would have been if the work had not been carried out.

Landlords will also be aware that under the new legislation, any rental properties found to have a poor Energy Performance Rating (F or G rated) after 2018 will no longer be fit to let.


Media Watch - Families Plan to Cut Back on Heating to Reduce Energy Bills This Winter
The Guardian: 12th September 2012

Posted 12.09.12

Six million households plan to cut back on their heating to save money this winter according to consumer groups.

Amounting to nearly 4 out of every 10 households, many people are growing worried about affording their heating bills as it turns colder and as many as 70% of these affected households plan to cut back on heating to make ends meet.

The Government's Warm Front Scheme can help households to utilise their energy efficiency through issuing grants for insulation, central heating systems, draught proofing and other improvement work, which is carried out for free for the poorest households. Yet £50 million was unclaimed last year.

The scheme is being phased out when the current budget is spent, or perhaps sooner, so it is vital that vulnerable households get this help while it is still available and in time for winter. Organisations like Citizens Advice Bureau and Age UK can help people to make a claim.

To read the full article click here.


Conference Will Look at Action to Combat Fuel Poverty

Posted 13.09.12

On September 28th 2012, Sustainable Homes and partners will present a one-day conference investigating the research and action being taken to combat fuel poverty.

A particular focus will be action being taken by registered housing providers and their residents.

Click here to find out more and for online booking.


Landlord Eyes 1000 More Roofs for Solar Roll Out

Posted 19.09.12

Housing association Gentoo says it plans to install more solar panels on 1,000 tenants' roofs in the next 12 months in a bid to help them cut their fuel bills.

Speaking at the National Housing Federation conference in Birmingham, Graham Smith, operations director at Gentoo Green, said:

"A combination of the higher Feed-in Tariff (FIT) rate on previous schemes and a service charge levied on residents with solar panels had allowed Gentoo to do more. It has already installed solar PV on 1,300 roofs in the last 12 months.

"We're now looking to extend the numbers we're doing. We've found that customers are happy to pay that maintenance charge."



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Reporting on September 2012

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