Section: Welfare Benefits

Successful LA-led Universal Credit Pilots Announced

Posted 03.09.12

Local authority led pilot projects that will support people to claim Universal Credit have been named by Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform.

Twelve pilots will run from Autumn 2012 to explore how local expertise can support residents under Universal Credit, setting examples for other local authorities across the country.

The pilots, spread across Great Britain, will include help for claimants to build online skills to claim Universal Credit and look for jobs, as well as to develop financial management skills.

The 12 pilot authorities are:

Two further pilots by Oldham Council and Wigan Council will be run as part of the pathfinder preparations.

Further pilot projects are due to be developed after 2015 to set the longer term role for councils in supporting Universal Credit claimants.

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Reporting on September 2012

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