Section: People in Housing

All Change for CLG Ministerial Team

Posted 04.09.12

It is confirmed that Grant Shapps will vacate his Housing Monister role and move up to be a cabinet minister without portfolio and Conservative Party Chair. He takes on the post vacated by Baroness Warsi.

Grant Shapps has been one of the more durable Housing Ministers in recent times, having held the post since May 2010.

The new Housing Minister will be Hertford and Stortford MP Mark Prisk, who will move to Communities and Local Government from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Mark Prisk is a chartered surveyor by profession. His shadow roles before the coalition government came to power included shadow minister for Cornwall.

Other changes at CLG include Liberal Democrat Don Foster's appointment as Communities Minister, replacing Andrew Stunell.

Greg Clark, who has been credited with launching the national planning policy framework and revitalising the planning system, moves to the Treasury to spearhead economic recovery in cities. He is replaced by Leicestershire MP Nick Boles, former director of think tank Policy Exchange.

Bob Neill, Parliamentary Under Secretary for the CLG, returns to the back benches. His vacancy is filled by the appointment of Brandon Lewis.

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New Scottish Ministerial Appointments Announced

In a surprise Scottish Government cabinet reshuffle, Margaret Burgess takes over the housing portfolio - now embracing welfare - as Minister for Housing and Welfare. Outgoing Housing Minister Keith Brown continues as Minister for Transport and Veterans.

Nicola Sturgeon replaces Alex Neil and takes over the role of Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities.


NHF Board Changes

Posted 19.09.12

June Barnes has been appointed vice chair of the National Housing Federation at its annual general meeting held in Birmingham.

June replaces Ann Santry, Chief Executive of Southern Housing, who stepped down after three years in the role and six years serving on the board.

Also leaving after six years on the board was Matthew Gardiner, Chief Executive of Trafford Housing Trust.

Joining the board was Cath Purdy, Chief Executive of Vela Group.

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Reporting on September 2012

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