Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

Dates for Your November Diary

Edited by Tracey Copeland

Conference and Exhibition for Smaller Housing Associations

Posted 03.09.12

7th November 2012, London
National Housing Federation
Tel; 020 7067 1066

With the current economic downturn and growing momentum of rapid change across multiple areas of the affordable housing sector, smaller housing associations face huge challenges as well as opportunities ahead.

Delegates at this exciting event will learn how to adapt with a range of workshops and talks on issues such as welfare reform and its' impact, tenant scrutiny, important changes in law and regulation, benchmarking and effective communications - as well as information on finance, governance and achieving value for money.

With a range of exhibitions and key speakers - including David Orr (National Housing Federation), Richard Bunting (Communications and Campaigns International) and Elizabeth Clarson (Housing for Women) - the event will be helpful for any smaller Housing Association wondering how to navigate the changes while preserving their ethos of local delivery in the heart of communities.

Click here for further event information and online booking.


New Approaches to Allocations, Lettings & Homelessness Conference & Exhibition

Posted 05.09.12

20-21 November 2012, Nottingham
Chartered Institute of Housing
Tel. No: 024 7685 1722

Since June 2012 the Localism Act has been in force, leading to changes in the way social housing will be allocated in future. With a rise in accepted homeless households in the first quarter of 2012 and further concern about forthcoming welfare reforms and their impact, this event will look at innovative ways to tackle housing need.

With a new interactive format for 2012 including 'tweet your questions', a range of key speakers including Mark Easton (BBC Home Editor), Andy Gale (DCLG) and Vicky Hines (Shelter) the conference and exhibition will deliver talks and workshops over a two day packed schedule covering private sector leasing schemes, welfare reform, allocations, homelessness, legal updates and much more.

This event promises to be helpful for anyone who wishes to keep up to date with housing changes, including latest Government thinking and policy, good practice and real examples of new approaches to service delivery from leading professionals.

Click here for more information and online booking.


IT in Housing Conference and Exhibition

Posted 07.09.12

20-21 November 2012, Olympia, London
National Housing Federation
Tel: 020 7067 1066

The landscape in which the sector operates is undergoing massive change in many areas and one of them is IT with huge opportunities available in how we connect, communicate and implement innovative business solutions through use of new technology.

This is the largest and longest running IT conference and exhibition in the housing sector. It will provide delegates with access to leading industry experts, who will be happy to provide advice and guidance on many key issues.

With key speakers including Matt Ballantine (Microsoft UK), Christopher Wellbelove (BT) and Peter Ramson (Oxfam), delegates will have the opportunity to attend sessions to find out and discuss how to integrate new technology such as:

Click here for more information and online booking.


Homes Conference and Exhibition

Posted 07.09.12

14-15 November 2012, ExCel London
Ocean Media Group
Tel. No: 020 7772 8300

Homes 2012 is an exhibition and conference for those involved in asset management, repairs and maintenance, retrofitting and sustainability in housing.

Industry challenges, including the Green Deal, driving sector improvements and VFM in repairs and strategic procurement will take centre stage at the event.

The event will address key issues within asset management and repairs and sustainability, exploring the latest thinking and solutions around funding, business planning, regulation and policy.

Homes is supported by leading organisations including BRE, RICS, NHMF and the Institute for Sustainability.

Speakers will include:

The conference will be chaired by BBC Home Editor Mark Easton.

The exhibition, conference and seminars will welcome almost 100 exhibitors and 3,000 expected visitors.

Click here for more information and online booking.


The Green Deal for Housing Associations

Posted 19.09.12

6 November 2012, Crowne Plaza-The City, London
National Housing Federation
Tel. No: 020 7067 1066

The need for improved energy efficiency has never been greater right now with rising energy bills and growing fuel poverty blighting many vulnerable tenants' lives, as highlighted by the recent interim Hills Review.

Government changes to the Green Deal will allow the 'retrofit initiative' to work better for social housing. This event will help identify opportunities and rise to the challenges the revised deal presents.

Delegates can meet leading policymakers, practitioners and innovators who will help them plan and develop their own green programme from aspects such as finance to resident engagement and show you how to drive demand and attract support.

Speakers include Greg Barker (Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change), David Adams (Wilmott Dixon Energy Services) and Paul Davis (PricewaterhouseCooper). Delegates can also book a one to one consultation at an advice surgery with experts on legalities, funding or any other issue.

This event will relevant to anyone concerned with the delivery of affordable warmth to homes and communities.

Click here for more information and online booking.

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