Section: People in Housing

Thinking Aloud

Debate Vital for Future of Adult Social Care

David Orr, Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation

11th July 2012

After many months, even years, in the making, the government has today published its White Paper on adult social care. Once again, the media is full of stories of older people having to sell their homes to pay for care for themselves or other members of their families.

The usual statistics about the rapid growth in the number of frail older people have been rehearsed again and once again we hear that it is imperative that care should be provided for people in their own homes.

All this is, of course, quite right. We do have a gathering crisis in paying for care for older, frailer people. We do need to understand the extent of the challenge and we absolutely have to come up with funding mechanisms which are fair and sustainable. And it is particularly encouraging to see that the White Paper recognises the critical role of housing.

I'm still concerned, though, that the public debate doesn't understand the extent of the issue.............

Use this link to read David Orr's latest blog in full.


What Have You Done Today to Make You Feel Proud?

Steve Douglas: Partner at Altair Ltd

25th July 2012

The immortal words of the Heather Small song in the bid to bring the Olympics to London reminds me of why the hard pressed housing officer, the overstretched development person and the community development manager got involved and stay involved in housing and regeneration. To do things that make a difference and for which they can be proud.

Yet it seems to me, that the contribution that housing can make to the lives and fabric of society still gets too little mention or appreciation. Worse still it gets pigeon holed as part of the problem.

Following the riots last summer, the contribution that associations were expected to make was to identify and evict their tenants, who had been involved. We missed the fact that associations and ALMOs, such as Newlon and Homes for Haringey in north London, were amongst the first to the table to begin the work on helping to rebuild communities, positively working with the so-called troubled families and the local authority on solutions.

If the last year has seen the most fundamental set of housing reforms to be introduced for a generation, the housing sector has found itself on the wrong side of the political argument, despite being right at the centre as Government's key delivery agent to complete 170,000 homes over the next four years.

Over £109 billion of investment in housing should give the sector some influence in shaping the model and the solutions, yet its achievements continue to get overlooked.

To read the full article, which was published in Altair Ltd's July newsletter, click here.....

On the Move

Guinness Northern Counties Appoint Paul Roberts as Managing Director

6th July 2012

Guinness Northern Counties has appointed Paul Roberts as Managing Director He replaces Carol Matthews, who left to become Chief Executive of Riverside in February 2012.

Paul Roberts joined Guinness Northern Counties in 2009 as Assistant Finance Director, becoming Finance Director less than 12 months later. In this role he was instrumental in creating and implementing the Finance Shared Service Model for the Guinness Partnership as well as making improvements to the organisation's wider financial and business performance.

He acted as interim MD since Carol Matthews' departure.


Chief Executive of Sheffield Homes Steps Down

18th July 2012

Peter Morton steps down as Chief Executive of the UK's largest ALMO, Sheffield Homes, with immediate effect.

His post will be made redundant, along with the that of director of customer services. Janet Parry, who will take voluntary early retirement at the end of August.


Amicus Horizon CE to Retire

20th July 2012

Amicus Horizon's Chief Executive, Steve Walker is reported to be retiring in October. He has held the post for four years.


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Reporting on July 2012

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