Section: Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

Breaking News

What Will the Housing System Be Like for Young People in 2020?

13th June 2012

Recent economic, social and political change has resulted in greater uncertainty in the housing options of young people in the UK. The recession has highlighted challenges such as high youth unemployment and a lack of available credit.

A new study from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation aims to inform the development of housing policy and practice by identifying the key challenges likely to face young people who will be aged 18 to 30 in 2020.

The study explores:

For a summary of the report - Housing Options and Solutions for Young People in 2020 - click here.


Homelessness Figures Continue to Rise

14th June 2012

Figures released by the Department for Communities and Local Government show a 16% increase in the number of homelessness acceptances between January and March 2012, compared to the same quarter last year.

During the 2011/12 financial year there were a total of 50,290 acceptances - an increase of 14% from 44,160 the previous year.

Campbell Robb, Chief Executive of Shelter said:

"These shocking figures show that yet again homelessness is rising. Behind the numbers are ordinary families who have lost the battle that so many are fighting to stay in their homes.

"With high unemployment, cuts to the housing safety net and the rising cost of living all taking their toll, there's a real concern that thousands more families will face the same nightmare in the coming months and years."

Matt Harrison, Interim Chief Executive of Homeless Link, said:

"These statistics are worrying and it's easy to see why - demand for homelessness services is rising while provision is decreasing.

"We may be starting to see the impact of welfare reform, as the number of people having their tenancies ended has increased by almost half. Meanwhile hostels and other services are slipping dangerously close to the wire, trying to provide services to more people with fewer resources.

"Despite the lack of accommodation services available there is no reason why local authorities cannot provide options for homeless people. Emergency accommodation such as Nightstops, which house young people until they are placed in longer term accommodation, can prevent those at risk of homelessness having to sleep on the streets.

"We are calling on every local authority to make sure they are providing emergency accommodation to meet this rise in demand. We have now seen a steady increase in homelessness over the past two years. It is clear that if we don't act now this problem is only going to get bigger and more expensive for everyone."


Homeless Women Need Concerted Action

18th June 2012

Concerted action is needed to stop women becoming homeless and develop improved services for those who already are.

The call for action comes as St Mungo's launched its Action Week campaign called Rebuilding Shattered Lives. Over 18 months this new campaign seeks to raise awareness of the issues faced by homeless women, and those at risk of becoming homeless, and find policy and practice solutions.

By 2014, St Mungo's aims to have created a national showcase of best practice for what works for women and produced a comprehensive policy report that will drive lasting change for women in need.

More than one in ten people contacted sleeping rough in London are women and, in England, over half of those living in temporary accommodation are women. In St Mungo's experience, homeless women face greater hurdles than homeless men:

Experts from across different charity and voluntary organisations will lead on gathering evidence from practitioners and individuals across the UK on nine themes including; domestic abuse, families and children, childhood trauma, employment and education.

St Mungo's female clients will also be contributing their ideas and experiences of what works.


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Reporting on June 2012

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