Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

October's Diary

The following are a selection of October's conferences and seminars from our comprehensive Forthcoming Events listings.

Social Housing Allocations 2011
5 October 2011: London
Lime Legal Limited. Tel. No: 01249 701555

Issues covered include - reviewing housing register and allocations policy - providing special needs housing and housing for the elderly - abolishing the waiting list - recent decisions by the courts and the Ombudsmen - mobility for social housing tenants - allocations after the Localism Bill.

Reforming Social Housing Tenure & Allocations Conference
6 October 2011: Central London
Capita Conferences. Tel. No: 020 7202 0571

The Localism Bill signals a period of rapid reform within the social housing sector. Landlords will be given greater control and flexibility over how they allocate housing and the type of tenancies they can offer.

This conference addresses the key challenges facing housing providers in how they develop flexible and fair tenure and allocations policies under these new proposals.

The Only Way is Green - Revolutionising the Future of Housing in Wales
20-21 October 2011: Cardiff
CIH Cymru. Tel. No: 029 20 765760

This event will examine the way the Green Deal, environmental concerns, retrofit projects and the explosion of digital technologies is revolutionising the future of housing in Wales.

Speakers include:

Scottish Rural and Islands Housing Conference
20-21 October 2011: Doubletree Dunblane Hydro
Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
Tel. No: 0141 332 8113

The aim of the conference is to update and inform delegates of the changes and initiatives that are taking place whilst providing an opportunity for frank and open debate.

Confirmed speakers include Donald Hirsch discussing the Minimum Income Standard for Rural Households study, Sioned Hughes of Community Housing Cymru and Keith Brown MSP the new Minister for Housing and Transport.

NHF Annual Conference and Social Housing Exhibition: Video Links

Access the video coverage of David Orr, National Housing Federation Chief Executive, speaking at the NHF Annual Conference on 12-14 September 2011.

Part One and Part Two

You can also link from here to the video of Ann Widdecombe's conference address.


Housing Monthly Diary

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Reporting on September 2011

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