Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

Summit to Focus on Affordable Housing Challenges Around the World

The second annual International Housing Summit (called ISH.SUM in 2010), will run on the 1st and 2nd November 2011 at the De Doelen centre in Rotterdam.

A resounding success in its first year, the Summit saw nearly 300 delegates from 22 countries converge on The Netherlands for a packed schedule of conference content delivered by more than 50 speakers, valuable relationship-building during extensive networking events and study tours to ground-breaking projects around the country.

The 2011 conference programme will focus on the shared challenges faced by affordable housing organisations around the world and deliver practical best-practice case studies and challenging discussion.

The Summit will focus on the vital issues of financing sources/models, community sustainability, energy efficiency and housing the vulnerable.

To download the draft programme click here.

Coming Soon

On 23rd August, the 21st Century Homes in Scotland conference will bring together a range of experts from both the private and public housing sector to debate the best ways forward in accessing funding and leveraging private finance to meet the Scottish Government's ambitious goals for affordable housing.

This is your chance to hear the latest thinking and join the debate on how to deliver more homes for less. Speakers include: Bill Barron, Housing Supply Division Scottish Government; Kristen Miller, Scottish Empty Homes Partnership; and Chris Dun, Murray and Spens LLP.

For more details click here.


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Reporting on August 2011

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