Section: Registered Social Landlords

RSL Update

Habinteg and Livability Housing

Livability Housing, formerly John Grooms Housing Association, merged with Habinteg on 1st March. The combined organisation will retain the name Habinteg Housing Association.

The new Association will provide homes and services to over 3,400 households. Of these, 1200 are homes are designed specifically for wheelchair users. Habinteg will continue both organisations' mission to improve housing opportunities for disabled people and campaign for better designed homes and services.

The merger follows extensive consultation with customers, staff and stakeholders from both organisations and included a selection process that identified Habinteg as the preferred partner in May 2009.

Paul Gamble, Acting Chief Executive at Habinteg said:

"We are pleased to welcome Livability Housing into Habinteg.

"Both organisations have been at the forefront of creating housing opportunities for disabled people and together we aim to continue that work by working with disabled people to improve our services and to campaign for better designed homes and services."



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Reporting on March 2010

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