Section: Housing Management

Cash for Crackdown on Empty Homes and ASB

Housing Minister John Healey announced extra support for councils to step up efforts to get empty homes back in use and reduce antisocial behaviour, including cash for an intensive crackdown in 17 local authority areas with known problems.

Empty homes, particularly those in disrepair, can be a magnet for vandalism, drug-taking, gangs or other forms of antisocial behaviour. Councils already have tough legal powers to force private landlords to sort out their properties and can even take over properties if necessary. However, tenants and landlords often don't know about these powers, reducing their effectiveness.

There will now be a £1 million boost to council efforts to train key staff on how best to get empty homes back in use, with cash for 17 councils where antisocial behaviour focused around empty homes is a real concern and residents want to see more effective local action.

The main response for councils will be through frontline workers and specialist teams with the expertise to lead the crackdown. This will include action to renovate derelict houses for letting out as social homes, and the use of private funding to turn empty homes into properties that allow local people the chance to take a more affordable step onto the housing ladder.

The 17 local authority areas that will receive funding are:


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Reporting on February 2010

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