Section: Energy Efficiency

LED Lighting Project Leads to Possible Award

In an ongoing refurbishment of 54 flats in Doncaster, Chevin Housing Association have used the latest in LED lighting, benefitting both the tenant and the Association.

The project has resulted in PhotonStarLED being shortlisted as a finalist at the imminent Constructing Excellence Yorkshire & Humber Awards for innovation.

Sam Sykes from Chevin Housing Association explains the reasons behind choosing PhotonStarLED for this project:

"The refurbishment is part of our decent homes improvement works and includes a range of additional measures to combat fuel poverty. Although currently the code for sustainable homes does not apply to retrofit, we anticipate some guidance on this within the next year or so and wanted to be one step ahead of the game.

"We had already assessed a range of generic LED and other low energy solutions as part of our Retrofit for the Future solution, and the PhotonStar LED fittings offered the best combination of genuine performance, lifetime potential, excellent light quality, product quality and legislative compliance. Their high level of recyclability & UK manufacture is key to our sustainability agenda.

"Following the inclusion of PhotonStar in our proposals, we assessed the feasibility of using the PhotonStar LED light fittings at our Danesthorpe site. We are constantly looking to reduce the carbon footprint of our housing stock, and invest in innovative ways of achieving this based on longer term benefits and payback.

"Although initially the PhotonStar products were more expensive, our assessment of the long term maintenance savings for us, and operational savings for the tenant was the primary deciding factor."

Fenella Frost representing Southampton based PhotonStarLED added:

"DEFRA recently published their Roadmap to Domestic Lighting, which identified LED integrated luminaires (not to be confused with LED replacement bulbs) as the most sustainable lighting choice for the future.

"The study assessed the full lifecycle impact of a variety of lighting solutions including its operation, manufacture, supply and end of life.

"PhotonStar products are one of the few LED products that comply with both Building Regulations and the Code for Sustainable Homes.

Update on Latest Measures to Cut Energy Bills

Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband outlined the Government's latest measures to help householders save money and energy, as he welcomed 10:10 - a new campaign to cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.

In 2010, the Government will start trialling Pay As You Save - a way of paying for whole house energy retrofits as part of the commitment to treat seven million homes by 2020.

The EU has started its programme of phasing out old fashioned 100W and all pearl light bulbs. Money saving energy efficient ones will replace them.


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Reporting on September 2009

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