Section: Audit & Regulation

TSA Launches Governance Discussion Papers

Discussion papers outlining possible options for regulating governance and viability have been launched by the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) as part of the National Conversation.

Tenants, social housing providers and stakeholders are being invited to comment on the two discussion papers, which have been produced to expand on the discussion about the TSA's draft standards.

The standards for landlords were developed from the feedback of 27,000 tenants who took part in the first phase of the National Conversation.

The governance paper seeks views on the TSA's existing framework for regulating governance and on its initial thoughts on options for the future which include:

The second discussion paper on viability asks for comments on a range of issues including:

Copies of the discussion papers will be available from the TSA website at The deadline for comments is Tuesday 8 September 2009. Responses to the discussion papers will be made available on the TSA website.


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Reporting on July 2009

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