Section: Registered Social Landlords

RSL Update

Novas Scarman Group

The Tenant Services Authority (TSA) completed its inquiry into the affairs of the Novas Scarman Group (NSG), which was investigated over aspects of its financial management.

The independent statutory inquiry was initiated by the Housing Corporation in October 2008 and was taken over by the TSA on 1 December. Simon Bevan and Philip Rego of BDO Stoy Hayward conducted the inquiry. The TSA Board considered the inquirer's final report in April and then advised the NSG of its preliminary findings, inviting comment.

After receiving representations from the NSG, the TSA Board decided that there had been mismanagement in the form of a collective failure by NSG's Board and Executive team in:

The TSA Board also aoncluded that the inquiry report disclosed insufficient evidence to support a finding of misconduct in relation to any individual, despite the finding of a collective failure of management.

The Board noted the changes in the NSG's financial position and management since December 2008. It also noted that the NSG had provided an independently validated business plan that demonstrated it was capable of remaining as a viable organisation without retaining ownership of two hostels - Arlington House and Dean Street in Westminster.

On this basis, the TSA gave consent to the transfer of these hostels to ensure both properties were retained to provide accommodation and support for people in acute housing need. The transfer to the One Housing Group was completed on 16 June.

The Board further noted NSG’s intention to dispose of its few remaining housing properties and to seek de-registration from the TSA's register of social landlords.

Until the NSG has made the transition from a registered social landlord to a social enterprise organisation, and recruited a new Chair and Board members with the skills and experience needed to oversee its future activities, the TSA intends to keep in place the statutory appointees that were made to its Board in November 2008.

South Shropshire HA

A ground-breaking environmentally friendly housing development on the outskirts of Ludlow has been officially opened with the unveiling of a commemorative stone.

South Shropshire Housing Association has completed 91 new homes at Rocks Green, near Ludlow. All of them receive their heating and hot water from a wood burning biomass boiler, which is carbon neutral and fuelled by wood chips from county-sourced recycled timber from saw mills and forests.

The eco-friendly heating system is a major contributor to the aim of the new homes achieving an 'excellent' environmental rating, under the Eco Homes scale.

They also have under floor heating which, along with the hot water supply, tenants and homeowners are able to control according to their individual needs.

Rocks Green is also the first new build development in Shropshire to incorporate 'Homezone', a traffic management system widely used in Europe which provides a safe environment for pedestrians and slows cars down to a walking pace, using a variety of construction materials.

A total of 38 of the new homes are part of the Association's New Build HomeBuy shared ownership scheme, with the remaining 53 being rented to tenants from the housing list.

Waterloo HA

Building contractors Jessups received a national award in the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

The prestigious award was specifically given for a site of 31 new homes at Bucklands End, which Waterloo HA has recently rented or sold through shared ownership to local people.

The homes formed part of the final phase of a seven-year regeneration project by Waterloo, in partnership with Birmingham City Council, which has transformed the Bucklands End estate.

The Considerate Constructors award is presented to less than 1 in 10 sites independently inspected against the building industry's code of considerate practice. To achieve it, a developer must show exceptional standards of consideration towards its workforce, the local community and the environment.

At Bucklands End, Jessups worked with Waterloo to make sure its building site was clean, safe and environmentally-conscious, to lessen its impact on its surroundings.

Waste going to landfill was reduced by re-using or recycling materials such as cut-off timber and old pallets. Deliveries to the site were timed to cause the least nuisance to local people.

The workforce, including new apprentices, were employed from the area - and encouraged to use local bus services.

Local residents were kept informed about the site's activities and local school children visited to find out about building skills and site safety.

Bright Ideas

Street Box Strikers

Tornado (David Macintosh) from TV's new Gladiator series was at Harpurhey Park in Harpurhey to sign up local youngsters for the Street Box Strikers courses which are running throughout the school summer holidays. Signing autographs along the way, Tornado was on hand to show children what they can expect during the summer. He will be coaching some of the sports sessions, which include circuit training, football, tag rugby, boxing and there’s even a course on MC/DJing.

Other activities and entertainment on the launch day included face painting, creative art, an assault course and a free BBQ.

Street Box Strikers is organised by Guinness Northern Counties, in partnership with the Manchester City Council's Youth Contact and Sports Development Team. It is funded by Guinness Northern Counties, Adactus Housing Association, Tung Sing Housing Association, Manchester City Council, Northwards Housing, Ashiana Housing Association and many other agencies.

Benefits Calculator

Barry Temperton, who was off work ill, contacted St Leger Homes of Doncaster's benefits adviser, Matthew Larner, after having issues with his finances.

Matthew used the benefits calculator - which can be found by visiting the St Leger Homes' Moneywise website - and to Barry's surprise discovered he was entitled to around £50 more per week.

The benefits calculator can by used by tenants and other website visitors to check to see if they qualify for further benefits. The website also provides information on new ways to save money, where to get help and publicises local events where people can get help and support.

So far the website calculator has been used nearly 2,000 times. Visitors to the site have used it to identify how much they are entitled to and also to see how different financial situations could affect their entitlement. In addition, it has identified around £100,000 in benefits.

Anyone wanting to use the benefits calculator can find it by visiting

Safety in the Home

Wolverhampton Homes has held its first successful safety in the home session targeted at families.

Free home safety starter packs were given out to everyone who attended to highlight dangers around the home, such as faulty electrics, saucepans full of boiling water and trailing wires.

The organisation will be holding the sessions quarterly.

Ethical Banking for Tenants

Riverside hosted an event to inform local housing providers and credit union staff how to offer tenants lower cost loans and greater protection.

Riverside teamed up with the Chartered Institute of Housing, Department of Work and Pensions and credit union Clockwise to promote and explore new ideas and opportunities for partnership working between housing providers and credit unions.

The master-class covered:

Riverside has been working closely with Clockwise to promote the work they do with their tenants. Clockwise is launching a new current account for people who are struggling to get a bank account with high street banks and building society.


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Reporting on July 2009

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