Section: Energy Efficiency

Re-think Needed to Make Homes Greener

Moves towards sustainable energy in the UK are being hampered by old ways of thinking, according to a major new report published by Foresight - the Government's futures think tank.

The study - Powering Our Lives: Sustainable Energy Management and the Built Environment looks at how the country's buildings and spaces will need to evolve to help cut carbon emissions.

The report concludes that the UK is 'locked-in' to using certain forms of energy - not because they are better but because they have historically dominated over other options. This has created significant inertia because using a new form of energy also means changes in the infrastructure and the regulations to support it.

Professor John Beddington, the Government's Chief Scientific Adviser and Director of the Foresight Programme, said:

"The energy used to power buildings is responsible for over 50% of UK carbon emissions. Urgent action needs to be taken if we are going to meet the 80% emissions target outlined by the Government in the Climate Change Bill.

"We need to think again about how we produce and use energy and this report explores the link between the energy we use to power our lives and the places we use it in. This study offers a range of proposals for Government to consider on energy production while giving food for thought to all of us about the energy we use".

The report, sponsored by the Department for Communities and Local Government, concludes that there is no 'magic bullet' to reduce carbon emissions or 'decarbonise' the energy we use. However, it does propose behavioural and regulatory changes, which could be introduced over the next 50 years, to overcome this inertia.

Three keys areas for change are:

Professor Beddington added:

"Homes built in the future will be more carbon neutral, however the vast majority of buildings pre-date our awareness of emissions and climate change - these are where quick-wins can be achieved.

"Bringing older housing stock's energy efficiency up to standard should be a priority - providing the right incentives and support are offered to encourage homeowners, business, housing authorities and local government to change their thinking".


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Reporting on November 2008

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