Section: Audit & Regulation

Housing Corporation Comes to an End

The Housing Corporation ceased operation on 30 November 2008. The Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 established the two new agencies that replaced it:

TSA is Catalyst for Change

The Tenant Services Authority (TSA) will be a catalyst for change to improve the lives of ten million people. That was the key message from TSA Chief Executive Peter Marsh in a speech to delegates at the Northern Housing Summit in York

He stated that :

"Three million households deserve better, and £1 billion a year could be better spent."

Peter Marsh provided delegates with the latest developments and thinking as the TSA prepares to take over the regulatory role of social housing and explained what changes organisations can expect to see.

Setting out a new future for regulation, Peter Marsh outlined his main priority of raising the standard of services for tenants. He also gave details of tenant involvement from the outset, focusing on the TSA's 'National Consultation', which will help define standards and the regulatory approach.

Peter Marsh said:

"The open consultation will be carried out between December and March 2008, reaching as many tenants as possible to help us understand what they want. The consultation will include a network of tea and coffee mornings across the country, regional events for both tenants and landlords and a research survey."

The speech also focused on:

His speech also outlined the key features of the new regulatory system:

Summing up, Peter Marsh said:

"The TSA will make a difference to the lives of 10 million people and we will be shaping the market through choice and information. We are here to raise the standard of services for tenants."


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Reporting on November 2008

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