Section: People in Housing

TSA Team Announced

The full Executive team at the Tenant Services Authority (TSA), the new independent regulator for affordable housing in England, was announced:

The Executive team will work with the newly appointed board, under the Chairmanship of Anthony Mayer.

New Chair for London Thames Gateway

Communities and Local Government announced that Bob Lane OBE is the new Chair of the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation (LTGDC). The appointment lasts for a period of three years with effect from 1 November 2008.

The LTGDC was established in 2004 to bring about the regeneration of the Lower Lea Valley and London Riverside. The LTGDC is the planning authority for relevant applications and is charged by Government with helping to secure 40,000 more homes and 28,000 new jobs in east London by 2016.

Bob Lane was previously Chief Executive of Catalyst Corby and North Northants Development Company and Chief Executive of Speke Garston Development Company. He is currently a Trustee of Corby City Academy and was until recently a part time senior adviser to the international consultancy group EDAW/AECOM.

He holds two other Ministerial appointments:


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Reporting on November 2008

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