" /> New Regulator Needs Culture Change

Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

New Regulator Needs Culture Change

A "cultural change within the new housing regulator" was called for by Peter Marsh, Deputy Chief Executive of the Housing Corporation. He outlined "a clear and distinctive shift from a provider focussed outlook to a consumer-focussed outlook - from custodian of the club to champion of the consumer."

In a wide ranging speech on the future of regulation, delivered at the Social Housing and Regeneration 4th Annual Conference in London today, Peter Marsh also called for:

A challenge was thrown down to the housing provider sector to realise £400 million p.a. of savings every year, given that costs of management and maintenance between providers varies by up to 100%.

Peter Marsh ended with the prediction that the new housing regulator would above all deliver better outcomes for tenants, saying:

"There will be more involvement, more mobility, more choice, better life chances. There are many people who are living in affordable housing today who are already investing their time and energy, enthusiasm and passion in their communities. We owe it to them to make the services they pay for the best they can be."

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Reporting on May 2008

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