Section: Local Authorities

Proposals for Regional Government Reform Published

The Government published for consultation Prosperous Places: Taking Forward the Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration.

The Review, which was published in July 2007, announced new streamlined regional government with the phasing out of Regional Assemblies from 2010.

Under proposed new legislation, top tier councils would be given a duty to assess the economic conditions of their area, including employment and skills needs, and the infrastructure needed to support sustainable economic growth - including housing and transport investment.

These councils and Regional Development Agencies would then use this as the basis for regional strategies, covering the future for housing, skills, transport and regeneration in their region, to encourage greater economic growth.

Regional Development Agencies and regional partners would also advise the Government on how best to join up the regional funding already allocated for areas - including housing and regeneration, skills, transport and economic development.

Building on those areas where councils are already collaborating and developing Multi-Area Agreements, the proposed legislation would also, where sub-regions requested this, give statutory backing to voluntary arrangements between local authorities, provided these are cost-effective and improve accountability to local people.

To make Regional Development Agencies accountable both in their regions and in Parliament, they will be answerable to new regional forums of local authority leaders, the arrangements for which will be agreed locally, and Ministers are in discussion with Commons authorities on the formation of new regional select committees.

This consultation runs until 20 June 2008.


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Reporting on March 2008

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