Section: Private Sector Housing

Review of Private Rented Sector

Housing and Planning Minister Yvette Cooper announced a major review to improve the private rented sector.

With almost 2.6 million homes in England being rented from over half a million private landlords, Yvette Cooper has commissioned an independent review to look at what problems tenants and landlords face and what works well in the sector.

A Citizens Advice Bureau report last year found 1 in 5 tenants were dissatisfied with the quality of repairs carried out by their landlord and feared retaliatory action if they complained to authorities. On the other hand, landlords can face problems with poor tenants not paying rent and antisocial behaviour.

The review will look how the increasing number of buy-to-let accommodation and student tenants has impacted on the private rented sector, the quality of homes and who the users of the sector are. It will also examine the impact of demographic and social change on the future demand and supply in the sector.

New legislation such as Tenancy Deposit Protection and action on houses of multiple occupation have had some inpact. The Government will consider the reviews recommendations to see what else can be done to improve the sector for both landlords and tenants.

Julie Rugg and David Rhodes from the Centre for Housing Policy at York University will head the review.

Yvette Cooper said:

"Most of us have rented a flat or house at some stage in our lives and the private rented sector is, at its best, a vital provider of good housing. But too few people are aware of their rights and responsibilities, either as tenants or landlords.

We have seen a big increase in the private rented sector and particularly in buy to let. It is important we review the impact of this.

Julie Rugg and David Rhodes start work immediately and will deliver their final report by the end of October.


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Reporting on January 2008

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