Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

National Housing Federation Annual Conference: September: Birmingham

How housing associations are rising to the challenge of meeting affordable housing needs in England was the main focus of a speech by Housing Corporation Acting Deputy Chief Executive Peter Marsh when he addresses delegates at the September annual National Housing Federation conference in Birmingham.

Peter Marsh explored the challenge facing the sector following the publication of the Green Paper, which announced a 50% boost in Government funding for new affordable housing. He set out how the Housing Corporation, as an investor, is preparing for the step change in new supply.

Issues explored in his speech included the change to the regulatory regime. He said:

"Just as tenants say their relationship with their landlord can be too paternalistic, so too can the relationship between housing associations and the regulator. A new approach to the collection and publication of performance information will drive improvement and place more power in the hands of both boards and tenants."

Talking about the future role of the regulator in unlocking the door, he added:

"There continues to be a key and legitimate role for the regulator to ask housing associations - Are you fulfilling your objects to your best endeavours to serve not only your current tenants but also the other 200,000 households who need homes in the next three years ahead?"

On the newly published NHF report Building Futures, he commented:

"We have had a healthy debate nationally - after all, if the regulator and the trade body were in total agreement, perhaps the relationship would be too cosy. We can't be accused of that this year.

In February we said housing associations could theoretically draw down between £17 and £19 billion. Our analysis of housing associations' 2007 business plan tells us that £17 billion is the figure associations are now planning to borrow over the next five years. Collectively we are on the same playing field."

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Reporting on September 2007

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