Section: Building & Regeneration

CABE to Audit Housing Quality

The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) will have the brief to assess the design quality of recently completed affordable housing in England.

In his speech at the National Housing Federation Conference, Housing Corporation Chief Executive Steve Douglas announced that the Corporation has commissioned CABE to audit National Affordable Housing Programme (NAHP) schemes where homes have been developed and completed via the partnership route. CABE will provide an independent assessment of the homes, through a series of audits, using the Building for Life assessment criteria as a basis for assessing the design quality of the external environment.

The Housing Corporation has agreed a service level agreement with CABE, which will assess the design quality of an extensive sample of schemes funded by the Housing Corporation.

The announcement follows on from the requirements to partners set out in the Housing Corporation's new Design and Quality Strategy, which emphasises the importance of good design in housing in creating sustainable developments and delivering social, economic and environmental benefits.

The CABE audits will be carried out on developments completed in the last three years and will focus on the external environment rather than internal environment or the environmental performance of the home itself.

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Reporting on September 2007

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