Section: Best Practices & Standards

Regulatory Burden Reduced by Corporation Publications

The Housing Corporation issued three new publications in its How We Regulate series, which together provide additional explanations of how the Corporation carries out its regulatory work:

All three publications meet the Elton recommendations to provide greater transparency on how the Corporation carries out its regulatory function and take forward its commitment to reducing the regulatory burden on associations. They can all be found on the Housing Corporation's website:

LA Stars

Cheltenham ALMO (Cheltenham Borough Council)

An Audit Commission inspection report released during March 2007 concludes that Cheltenham ALMO provides an excellent three-star service with excellent prospects for improvement.

The report highlights some key strengths in the service including:

To help the service improve, inspectors recommended that the ALMO should ensure the following:

Other Reports

Other Audit Commission local authority inspection reports released during the month included:

RSL Performers

Russet Homes

The housing management services delivered by Russet Homes were judged to be good with uncertain prospects for improvement, according to a report released during March by the Audit Commission.

Russet Homes (formerly Tonbridge and Malling Housing Association) was formed in 1991, to take the large scale voluntary transfer (LSVT) of homes from Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council in Kent.

On a scale of zero to three stars, the Audit Commission inspection team awarded Russet's housing management services two stars.

Inspectors found a number of positive features, including:

However, the inspectors highlighted a number of issues that need to be addressed:

To help the service improve, inspectors made a number of recommendations, including:

Other Reports

Other Audit Commission housing association inspection reports released during the month included:


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Reporting on March 2007

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