Section: Building & Regeneration

New Housing and Regeneration Agency

The Government announced its proposals for a new agency - Communities England - to boost regeneration and housing delivery.

Communities England will bring together the functions of the Housing Corporation with those of English Partnerships and a range of work carried out by Communities and Local Government, including decent homes, housing market renewal, housing growth and urban regeneration.

Senior executives from the Housing Corporation, English Partnerships and the Department will form a transition team headed by Baroness Ford, working with the Government to plan for the proposed new organisation. During the transition period, individual agencies will continue to deliver their existing programmes.

Communities England will apparently aim to cut red tape and combine national scope with local effectiveness. It has a key objective to deliver more affordable housing and opportunities for people to gain a foot on the housing ladder. Working closely with local authorities, it is assigned the tasks of helping unlock more land for development, transforming failing estates and successfully creating places where people choose to live and stay.

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Reporting on January 2007

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