Section: Resident Involvement

ASBO Powers for TMOs

New regulations were laid before Parliament that will give Tenant Management Organisations (TMOs) powers to apply for Anti-Social Behaviour Orders.

Tenant Management Organisations already have responsibility for the day-to-day running of the homes in their area - usually including rent collection, allocations and lettings. The new powers aim to give local residents greater influence on their estates, by supporting them in dealing with anti-social behaviour swiftly and effectively.

All Tenant Management Organisations will have to undergo a rigorous procedure before taking on antisocial behaviour responsibilities. There will be clear safeguards to ensure the new powers are used responsibly. However, where a TMO has been assessed as competent, the Government sees no reason why it should not be delegated ASBO functions.

Information Notes

Corporation Tenant Involvement

For the first time, the Housing Corporation is allocating funding to Beacon councils to promote resident involvement.

A total of £100,000 will be allocated from the Housing Corporation's Local Authority Tenant Empowerment Programme (TEP) and its Innovation and Good Practice (IGP) programme. This will support a programme of activity by Beacon councils to boost performance on resident involvement by local authorities, housing associations and ALMOs.

The joint initiative, which highlights the growing links between the Corporation and local government, will build on the successful work of the four Improving Housing Services by Involving Tenants Beacon councils: Carrick District Council, London Borough of Croydon, Bolton Metropolitan Council and Kirklees Council. Key aspects of the initiative will include the knowledge sharing, training and mentoring support.

As part of the deal, the four Beacon councils will also work closely with the future Housing Corporation Gold Award 'Empowering Communities' theme winners. The results of the Corporation's second round of Gold Awards will be announced in May 2007.

The Housing Corporation has prioritised resident involvement following publication of its consultation on a new resident involvement policy in December 2006 and the launch of the Gold award's 'Empowering Communities' theme.

The Beacon councils will be sharing their experience and good practice with road show events and a learning event tailored specifically to residents, which will take place later this year.

Information Notes

Responsibility for administration of the Tenant Empowerment Programme (TEP) was transferred to the Housing Corporation last year.

The theme for round 7 of the Beacon Council Scheme was Improving Housing Services by Involving Tenants. The four Beacon councils awarded within this theme have shown that:

The Beacon councils will work closely with the future Housing Corporation Gold Award winners to ensure that best practice is shared across the whole of the housing sector including housing associations.

Launched in June 2005, the Gold Award competition is open to housing associations able to demonstrate outstanding performance in key areas of business. The award aims to identify and share excellence and raise operational standards for the benefit of residents across the sector. This year's themes are:

The Gold winners will be announced in May 2007.


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Reporting on January 2007

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