Section: Housing Management

Pinnacle Wins Corporation Accreditation

The Housing Corporation's Regulation and Supervision Committee approved an application for accreditation from Pinnacle Public Services Group (Pinnacle PSG). The company became the first private sector organisation to be accredited by the Housing Corporation under its housing management accreditation scheme.

Pinnacle completed the Housing Corporation's robust accreditation process, which involved a detailed analysis of how services of exceptional quality will be delivered to residents of social housing. The process also included a series of visits to inner city estates currently being managed by Pinnacle, and detailed discussion with residents to get a firsthand view of their experiences of service delivery.

Housing Corporation Chairman, Peter Dixon, said:

"Our aim is to ensure that tenants receive no difference in terms of the quality of services they receive. We are building a true mixed economy in affordable housing provision, where the key question is not what type of organisation you are, but rather what can you offer tenants and tax payers. We look forward to working with Pinnacle, and hope that this will encourage other bodies to follow suit in seeking accreditation."

John Swinney, Chief Executive of Pinnacle, added:

"Gaining Housing Corporation accreditation is a great honour to our organisation. As well as recognising the high quality of our service provision, accreditation enables us to play an ever more active role in the National Affordable Housing Programme alongside our housing association and private developer partners."

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Reporting on January 2007

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