Section: Registered Social Landlords

Largest Associations Need to Review the Way they Work

A major new report has concluded that England's largest housing associations need to urgently and drastically overhaul they way they are run if they are to successfully manage their ongoing growth.

In 2005, the Future Shape of the Sector Commission (FSSC) was set up to examine the implications of the rapid growth in the size of the country's largest housing associations - meaning those with more than 25,000 homes, of which there are nearly twenty associations.

There is currently unprecedented growth in the sector, which is having an important affect on the associations themselves, their residents and external stakeholders. The FSSC was sponsored by the L&Q Group and evidence was presented to Commissioners by more than 30 organisations, including large and medium-sized housing associations, government bodies, local authorities, trade bodies and industry consultants and advisors.

From this evidence is has been concluded that the largest associations will continue to get bigger through natural growth, mergers and acquisitions. However, they will need to fundamentally review their internal ways of working and their external relationships to manage this growth successfully, both from a customer service and business perspective, and maximise their ability to meet the Government's housing and social policy goals.

Other key findings of the FSSC are:

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Reporting on December 2006

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