Section: Resident Involvement

Consultation Issued on Resident Involvement

Two of the key proposals put forward by the Housing Corporation with the launch of its Delivering Change Through Involvement consultation paper, were:

The paper sets out the Corporation's vision for ensuring residents and communities have the opportunity to exert greater influence over key decisions on how their homes and services are managed. It develops the Corporation's thinking on Involvement Statements and Impact Assessments and proposes ten new 'Basic Building Blocks for Effective Involvement,' which should underpin the activities that housing associations undertake. It also sets out the Corporation's new policy around resident board membership.

Other key proposals for consultation include:

Free Places for Tenants on Rural Housing Conference

The National Housing Federation is to hold its first Rural Housing and Regeneration Conference in Rugby on 7 February 2007.

As part of the conference, the Commission for Rural Communities is providing a limited number of free conference places for tenant representatives of social housing organisations working in rural communities, who do not have access to a training budget. Tenants from small associations are particularly welcome to apply.

These places are strictly limited to one per organisation and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. The bursary covers the cost of attending the conference, but unfortunately does not cover travel costs.

For further information, contact Abdul Sabur on 020 7067 1064 or email


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Reporting on December 2006

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