Section: People in Housing

Opening Careers in Housing to Young People

A group of Glasgow housing organisations is giving 12 young people a bright start to 2007 as paid housing apprentices. Five organisations, which form the East End Housing Association's Regeneration Forum (EEHARF), along with seven other local housing organisations in the area, will each provide one young person with an 18-month paid modern apprenticeship in administration in the housing sector, at £180 a week.

The Modern Apprenticeship scheme has been developed in partnership between Glasgow North Limited and EEHARF. Young people will undertake various roles, ranging from finance to human resources, ensuring they gain a sound knowledge and practical experience in all aspects of administration in housing. They will also work towards gaining a Level Three SVQ in Administration.

The Modern Apprenticeships scheme will be managed by EEHARF and Tollcross HA, and will run from January 2007. The project is funded with £118,000 from the European Social Fund, £72,000 from Communities Scotland, £37,000 from the two local Community Planning Partnerships and £35,000 from Glasgow Housing Association.

The five housing associations involved are: Parkhead HA, Shettleston HA, Tollcross HA, Thenew HA and Milnbank HA.

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Reporting on December 2006

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