Section: Community Projects & Support

Project Seeks to Regenerate Streets

A new sustainable communities project, run by green transport charity Sustrans, took the renovation concept one step further.

Sustrans put out a call for ten neighbourhoods in the UK to take part in a pilot of an innovative approach of working with and improving local communities. Backed by designer Wayne Hemmingway, DIY Streets will give residents the 'tools' they need to develop low-cost capital solutions to transform their streets into safer, more attractive places to live. The Charity is looking for communities, local councils, housing associations and other organisations to put forward suggested candidates for the pilot.

The idea is based on an approach conceived over 30 years ago, in Holland, when a community so fed up with the excessive noise, danger, and pollution from motor traffic in their street, dug it up and rearranged it. Cars had to slow down and the street could be enjoyed once again. DIY Streets goes back to that original concept, looking for simple, affordable solutions, with local communities driving the process.

Peter Lipman, DIY Streets Project Director, said: "Sustrans will provide in-depth training, resources and ongoing support to the ten communities. There are only two things we need in return - sufficient enthusiasm from the residents and real support from the local authorities. By working together we can build better neighbourhoods."

Wayne Hemingway, who joins the DIY Streets advisory board, explained why he decided to get involved in the project. He said: "I believe we must look at ways to design streets and urban spaces which work well for everyone who lives or travels through them. We seem to have forgotten that streets belong to pedestrians and cyclists as well as car drivers. While we should always be able to get new-build communities right, the cost of changing our existing streets means that we have to find inexpensive ways of achieving similar results so more people can benefit."

Local authorities, communities, or anyone else interested in finding out more or taking part in the DIY Streets project should call Peter Lipman on 0117 915 0333.


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Reporting on December 2006

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