" /> Foyers in Focus: Foyers Delivering Supported Lodging Schemes

Section: Hostels & Foyers

Foyers in Focus: Foyers Delivering Supported Lodging Schemes

On 14 November 2006, Communities Secretary, Ruth Kelly MP, delivered a speech at the Andy Ludlow Awards entitled 'Tackling the changing face of homelessness.' The speech was made in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the BBC's drama documentary Cathy Come Home, which inspired the establishment of Shelter and put homelessness and accommodation issues firmly on the public and political agenda.

In her speech, Ruth Kelly said, "it is unacceptable for a civilised society like ours to expect homeless 16 and 17 year olds to be on their own in bed and breakfast hotels. This is one of the worst faces of homelessness today. We are making a commitment today that by 2010, 16 and 17 year olds will not be placed in bed and breakfast hotels unless it is an emergency. One measure is that local authorities and local partners will establish supported lodging schemes across the country."

This month's Foyer piece focuses on Step by Step in Aldershot, Hampshire. Step by Step works with young people, age 16-25, through a structured combination of services, including accommodation, training, development and counselling. Its mission statement is "to empower homeless people and those facing adversity to achieve their full potential." It already operates two supported lodging schemes, as envisaged by Ruth Kelly in her speech.

Within its accommodation services, Step by Step offers four stages of accommodation, which provide a structured and progressive path towards independence:

When young people move on from these stages, Step by Step provides the additional service of tenancy support. Each stage offers different levels of supervision and independence: the young person develops their levels of independence as they move through the projects.

The most important aspect of Step by Step's accommodation services is the provision of much more than the basic needs of food and shelter. Its basis is a stable, secure and safe environment for the young people, coupled with support and guidance from staff, and peer support.

Step by Step's two supported lodging schemes, set up in 1998, have been hugely successful. The model works as an independent version of foster care, with the young person being placed in a normal family setting. It is, therefore, an alternative to a normal home and has no fixed length of stay. The Foyer has overall responsibility for co-ordinating the family placements, and has full responsibility for recruiting, training and managing the carer, as well as matching the young people with a suitable family. Leaving Care teams continue to have responsibility for the individual young person.

At the moment, Step by Step has 14 contracts in place, and arrangements for another two. It is hoped, in light of Ruth Kelly's announcement, more funding will become available to expand and develop the scheme in the local authority and to expand into other local authorities. Funding for the scheme currently comes from Leaving Care teams and the local authority's housing team (from the DCLG's homelessness prevention grant). There are 350 care leavers in Hampshire alone and last year the Foyer supported 25 of these through their supported lodging scheme. Clearly there is a huge potential for growth in this kind of service. The Foyer hopes their successful scheme will be recognised and awarded with more funding from the money pledged by Ruth Kelly.

Information Notes

Foyers in Focus is contributed by the Foyer Federation. For further information, contact Louise Meincke, Policy and Communications Officer: louise@foyer.net; tel. 020 7430 2212.

The Foyer Federation's website address is at www.foyer.net.


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Reporting on December 2006

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