Section: Conferences & Exhibitions

Conference Report

A demonstration of how quickly a high-quality new kitchen can be installed was a highlight of The Gold Approach: Innovation in Procurement Conference, held towards the end of November in London.

The conference was aimed at professionals responsible for the planning and delivery of housing procurement and maintenance services. The installation of the kitchen was a showcase of the procurement work of Gold Award winners and regeneration partnership, Fusion 21, whose skills training programme helps unemployed people gain training and jobs in the construction industry.

Their construction skills training programme means Fusion 21 has its own direct supply of labour, to match its works programme. Two Fusion 21 Skills Programme trainees assisted in building the new kitchen in just five hours, illustrating the reality and importance of both a speedy and efficient maintenance operation.

The kitchen was an example of a kitchen specifically made for affordable housing by Rixonway Kitchen suppliers. The kitchens are designed for the individual, built offsite, and then delivered to the property - meaning easy installation with minimal disruption to the resident.

Information Notes

Launched in June 2005, the Gold Award competition is open to housing associations able to demonstrate outstanding performance in key areas of business. The award aims to identify and share excellence and raise operational standards for the benefit of residents across the sector.

Fusion21 was one of two winners in the Gold Award for Innovation and Procurement. The other winner was Advantage South West. Procurement was chosen as a theme for the fist annual Gold Award, to reflect both the Housing Corporation's and Government's priorities in the procurement and efficiency agendas.

Fusion21 is a regeneration partnership, which was established with the aim of revolutionising the construction supply chain by pioneering a radical approach to procuring both materials and labour. It uses the joint purchasing power of its partner housing associations to manage the supply chain and drive down costs.

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Reporting on November 2006

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