Section: Registered Social Landlords

Response to Recommendations on RSL Admin

A joint Housing Corporation/DCLG action plan was published, in response to the recommendations of the Elton Review of Regulatory and Compliance Requirements on Registered Social Landlords (RSLs). The Elton report, which was published in April 2006, makes a range of recommendations as to how administrative burdens on RSLs can be reduced within the Housing Corporation's existing regulatory framework.

Housing Minister Yvette Cooper confirmed the Government accepts the majority of the recommendations and said: "We recognise the ongoing need to reduce the burden of regulation on RSLs in order to free up more of their time and resources to be spent on front line activity. The report provides a sound basis for taking forward further work on the future of the regulatory system. Indeed the Housing Corporation estimates that when implemented, the recommendations in the Elton report will lead to a reduction of 10% in the overall burden of regulation on RSLs.

"The majority of the recommendations are directed at the Housing Corporation, with a number for the DCLG, Audit Commission and National Housing Federation. The Audit Commission is also proposing to renew its approach to performance assessment across the housing sector, following its response to the Elton Review."

The action plan can be found on the DCLG website at:

Gold Award for Excellence Enters Second Year

Now in its second year, the Housing Corporation's Gold Award for Excellence competition for housing associations is back with two new themes:

Housing Corporation Chief Executive, Jon Rouse, said: "The Housing Corporation is very committed to these Gold awards. We see them delivering opportunities for improvement, with two new themes each year for many years to come."

Last year's competition attracted 72 entries in the two categories of 'tackling homelessness' and 'innovation in procurement.'

The closing date for entries this year is 15 December 2006, when the panel of judges will begin working alongside a team of expert advisors to select six winners through a robust and transparent assessment processes.

Each winning association will receive a prize of £50,000 to help fund their involvement in a nine-month programme of knowledge dissemination, to be co-ordinated by the Housing Corporation. Winners will also be entitled to display the brand new Gold Award logo on their stationery and websites. The Gold winners will be presented with their awards at a ceremony in May 2007.

The application form, along with comprehensive guidance notes, is available at the Corporation's web site at

Project to Respond to Refugee Needs

Six housing associations were selected as part of a new project to develop training and implementation of services for refugees and asylum seekers. They are Accord, Accent, St Vincents, Longhurst (in partnership with Tuntum), First Wessex, and Staffordshire. Opening Doors is jointly managed by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and the development agency HACT and is grant-aided by the Housing Corporation.

Opening Doors aims to increase the availability of housing services to refugees and asylum seekers in more integrated neighbourhoods. The associations will identify refugee housing needs in their areas and develop the knowledge, skills and expertise within their own organisations to implement and share good practice.

HACT, which has a long track record of work with refugee organisations, will support the housing associations' training with two days free consultancy, and use their expertise to help disseminate learning and good practice. CIH's good practice guide, Housing Support for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, will be used as the basis for an action learning training framework. The Housing Corporation will fund the initial training during a three-month set up period.

RSL Update


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Reporting on September 2006

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