Section: People in Housing

Chair Appointed for Housing Commission on Thames Gateway

In a new initiative for the Thames Gateway, the Housing Corporation has asked Dr Tim Williams, former Special Adviser to David Miliband and ex-Chief Executive of the London Thames Gateway Strategic Partnership, to chair a Housing Corporation commission into Affordable Housing design and quality in the Thames Gateway.

The commission will provide a guide on the Corporation's expectations for homes requiring grant funding. It will involve collaboration with CABE, local authorities, house builders, and housing associations. Dr Williams has unique first-hand experience of the Gateway and of developing housing and urban design policy. He will draw on these skills to bring together a commission of talent and influence to deliver the project.

The Commission is part of a fundamental review of the Corporation's Scheme Development Standards, which will be revised in the autumn of 2006.

Dr Williams said: "This is absolutely the right time and the right action to take. Design standards for affordable housing in the Gateway have to be exemplary if we are to attract and retain mixed communities to live and work there. The Corporation is showing leadership and innovation here. Given my background, I was delighted to be asked to do this. I believe we have some of the best in the business working with us on the commission because we all recognise how important this task is."

On the Move

Welcomed on Board

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Reporting on September 2006

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